Does A Portable Generator Charge Its Own Battery?

  • By: Umer.A
  • Date: October 10, 2021
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Not all generators can charge their batteries during the process. The conventional generators can charge their battery while they are in operation. But this is not the case when it comes to portable generators.

Most of them will require you to have a trickle charger to plug into the main power. This is the best way to keep the batteries charged all the time. And the generator stays ready when the power goes out.

You have to be careful with the batteries because they are powering your portable generator. If these batteries are malfunctioning, your generator won’t work at all.

How to Charge a Portable Generator Battery?

Most portable generators cannot charge themselves while running. But some models can do this during the operation. In most cases, you will find an external charger to charge the battery.

You will have to connect the charger with the battery to make sure it charges completely. But you will also have to keep an eye on it and prevent it from overcharging. With overcharging, your battery starts to discharge at a faster rate.

This is especially the case if you don’t use your generator for a long time and stay in your storage.

How Often Should I Charge It?

You will have to charge your portable generator’s battery at least once a month for about 24 to 48 hours. If your battery is entirely dead, you can go for the recoils backup or pull start. Allow your generator to run for a while, and then plug in the charger if it comes with one.

You can also charge your battery for emergency scenarios by plugging that charger cord into the receptacle. It is present on your portable generator. This is something that most battery manufacturers do not recommend for standard operation.

Batteries Not Accepting a Charge

Batteries Not Accepting a Charge  

If your portable generator comes with an external charger, try to plug it in and charge your battery. Allow the battery some time to charge. If that doesn’t work, connect the battery with the receptacles in your generator and give it some time.

You can also try out the pull start system on your generator if it’s not running. Try to charge your battery by plugging it in. If the battery is still not getting a charge, it’s time to replace it. You can find the complete battery replacement procedure for your specific portable generator model in its manual.

Just make sure you follow the guidelines properly and go for the battery according to your generator’s specifications. It will allow you to get the best out of your portable generator without uneven battery timings and discharge rates.

Your generator will be able to function normally with the recommended battery type. Just be sure to install it back in properly after fully charging the battery. Use the external charger if it comes with your generator.

Can all portable generators charge their batteries?

No, not all portable generators can charge their batteries. Some of them come with an external charger. Others can charge with a pull-start mechanism. If your portable generator comes with an external charger, make sure you use it for charging purposes. Don’t use any other charger for the same purpose.

How frequently portable generator batteries needed to be charged?

You need to charge your battery for at least 24 to 48 hours if you use your generator frequently. But you should keep in mind not to connect the charger for more than 48 hours. Else, your battery will get overcharged and discharge at a faster rate. This way, its overall performance will deteriorate.

What do I have to do to care for and maintain my portable generator battery?

Portable generator batteries don’t require much maintenance. The only thing you need to do is keep them engaged at regular intervals so they don’t end up discharging fast. First of all, do not overcharge it for more than 48 hours.

You need to start your generator at regular intervals to keep the battery in operation. Sitting idle for prolonged periods also affects its life.

What should I do if my battery is not taking charge at all?

You have to be certain that a portable generator battery is not getting any charge. You need to plug it in with an external charger if your generator comes with one. Plus, you need to connect it with receptacles on your generator to check if it’s working.

You can also use the recoil backup for this purpose. If it’s still not getting a charge, it’s time to replace it. The type of battery will be found in the owner’s manual. The entire replacement procedure will be given there as well. Just be sure you go through all the steps carefully.


Not all portable generator batteries come with self-charging capabilities. Some feature a recoil backup, while others come with an external charger. You need to consult your generator’s owner’s manual to find out everything about your portable generator battery and how you can charge it.